Friday, February 11, 2011

Blogging can't be THAT hard, can it?

I LOVE my facebook.  BUT, the problem I have with it is this.  When I want to say a thought that pops into my head, I dont really always want to know what everyone thinks of that thought.  So, now I shall Blog about it.  I have tried Blogging many times, to end up bored with it.  I think its because I thought blogging had to have a theme.  What on earth makes me think I have to have a theme?  Nothing in my life has a theme! SERIOUSLY. My very wonderful dear friend, Jae White calls me Hodge.  Because I'm a hodgepodge of information, skills, and knowledge.  Thats mostly because I'm a tight wad.  I dont like to spend money on things so I learn how to do it myself.  Thats where my hodgeness comes from.  So I guess what I'll do is just Blog about whatever interesting thing that I do each day.  If something pops into my head I will say it.  If I create a nifty craft I will show it off.  If i'm upset and mad I will tell about it.  The funny things my kids do, you will all know about it!

Today We had a surprise Party for Sarah Grace's teacher.  She's an awesome chick.  I'm thankful that I got to spend an hour of her birthday celebration with her.  She makes me smile.  I made her a felt flower hairbow.  She's the only adult I know that wears hairbows.  I think my hairbow sorta looked like a child made it, but oh well.  Maybe she liked it. :-)

These initials are necklaces.  They are metal wire and then I hammer them.  I sell them on my facebook.  Also they are for sell at Franks Italian Restaurant.  They are $12.


  1. I love my hairbow!! You're super cool!

  2. I love the necklaces!

  3. Laura- I'm so glad you liked your hair bows!! Sarah Grace wants one to match.
    Beth- I have several B's and S's already made up! :-)
